Originally created by: pabs3
Please generalise the Homepage/Twitter/Facebook links into an "Elsewhere" feature that would basically be a list of links to different places where the project is. For example, I would like to link to the Debian packages, the freecode page, the chat IRC channel and more.
A suggestion that will work now: go to Admin, Tools, and add an "External Link". Enter a name like "Debian packages" and then click on "options" for it and you can enter the URL to go to. Now you have a custom link in your main project menu. You can have several of these, even.
Originally by: *anonymous
I'm aware of that feature, however there are far too many links to add them to the header. As you can see at the chromium-bsu bugs page, there are at least 11 different extenal sites related to chromium-bsu now. I would probably also link to twitter/youtube/etc searches for chromium-bsu. Adding those 15 or so sites to the header would take up too much space and it would be better to have them on the summary page under the website link and an "Elsewhere" or "More" link in the header pointing to that.