No vertical scroll bar when text is longer than text entry field. In the attachment, there are several more lines below "Other Ideas". Using Google Chrome Version 27.0.1453.93 on Kubuntu 12.04.
newest version of plugin supports jQuery 1.7+, but it still does not work correctly in this particular case with jQuery 1.8
it works perfectly well if we use jQuery 1.9+ with it
I've tried a bunch of other plugins as a replacements, but all of them had all kinds of problems and I did not want to spend to much time on it. Some of them seem not maintained at all. I've tried:
Confirmed in Chrome/OSX (using page FF/OSX is okay.
Ok, here is what I found:
I've tried a bunch of other plugins as a replacements, but all of them had all kinds of problems and I did not want to spend to much time on it. Some of them seem not maintained at all. I've tried:
Anyway, autosize seems most mature and maintained.
So, we might want to update jQuery to latest version (we'll need to do this someday anyway, right?). If I understood correctly:
What do you think?
Last edit: Igor Bondarenko 2015-02-05
Yeah I think upgrading jquery makes sense, it'd be good to do in general anyway. Want to make a new ticket for that and start looking into that?
Do we need IE 6-8 support? If not we can upgrade to 2.x, I guess.
Created [#7827] and corresponding ticket on 42cc side.
#7827On SourceForge at least there's still enough IE 8 traffic that I'd like to support that if we can.
Yep, 1.x branch is pretty much the same as 2.x, but with support for IE8, so I'll update to latest 1.x.