Originally created by: pabloa
I am a java developer. I would like to use SF ticket system using Eclipse Mylyn. Right now I am using Elipse Kepler and I have no way to connect Mylyn with my sourceforge project https://sourceforge.net/projects/hypatialongterm/
I assume that this is happening with all the developers using sf
I followed all kind of instructions trying to connect to sf using the the generic web mylyn connector, but I am stopped because I cannot find one for eclipse kepler.
Do you have plans to develop a mylyn connector for sourceforge? Do you have estimate dates. It would be nice if you can do one similar to github's one. It has milestones too.
http://officefloor.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/allura-sourceforge-mylyn-connector/ explains how you can set up the Mylyn Web Template Connector, which isn't ideal but should help.
There is also some discussion at https://sourceforge.net/p/allura/discussion/general/thread/a606fb95/ which recommends Allura implement OSLC CM which would also help integration with other tools, e.g. Jenkins has a OSLC CM plugin
Originally by: pabloa
thanks for the answers.
About this link http://officefloor.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/allura-sourceforge-mylyn-connector/ , it assumes you can have access to the Mylyn Web Template Connector. I could not find a connector compatible with Eclipse Kepler (the last release of eclipse), so I cannot use the instructions provided in that page.
Is there any plan to support a mylyn connector using any technology you think is better?