495 here: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/_members/
But 542 here: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/admin/groups/
Confirmed. Here's the list of usernames found in the user group permissions but not on the "_members" page:
adren67 alexandrequessy anope awolfff cdrwhite djnz emenems estheban garypp gta74 guidoscherp janptak javaguru1729 jcyrisse jean-lucnavarro jjolly jmaspons jujusl krose kwem lechuckdapirate lihaowei2008 limako lueders massimoi matwho mbrackeva merbster millette muscote mwexler pemen pmorenogarcia renoirb rlopezs sdlee sdoh sfyn sghane sideshow_bob siegfried1e teedog tibistibi vikasrij zab-sv zcecil zippohontas