Just to queue up a code snapshot, some requests take a really long time. E.g. https://sourceforge.net/p/texstudio/code/4175/tarball had the following timings. I've seen it with other high-revisioned SVN repos like sf.net/p/nhcontrib/code too.
{ "mongo": 56, "repo.Commit.get_tree": 2, "repo.Commit.set_context": 0, "svn_tool.rev_parse": 138, "svn_tool._oid": 0, "repo.Commit.shorthand_id": 0, "total": 43615, "svn_tool.symbolics_for_commit": 0, "svn_tool.url_for_commit": 139, "sidebar": 144, "jinja": 16384, "svn_tool.__init__": 0, "svn_tool._path_to_root": 43138, "socket_write": 0, "socket_read": 36, "repo.Tree.set_context": 0, "svn_tool._revno": 0, "svn_tool.shorthand_for_commit": 0, "repo.Commit.url": 0, "svn_lib.info2": 43052, "ming": 97, "svn_tool.commit": 2 }
recurse & depth params to info2 could probably be changed to false.
strace might be necessary to see what info2 is doing
we could cache the result if needed
Confirmed that adding
time down from 27 sec to 0.01 sec and still functions as expected.