On our RSS feeds, we have weird GUID values.
eg. from https://sourceforge.net/p/mailredirect/news/feed we have:
According to http://www.w3schools.com/rss/rss_tag_guid.asp this doesn't seem to be strictly wrong, but it is a bit odd. And some RSS readers (like Thunderbird) reportedly use that instead of the <link>
element when they try to link to the page.
UPDATE: User contacted Thunderbird help, and they indicated that according to spec, the "isPermaLink" attribute, which we haven't set, defaults to True. Hence it's actually not wrong to assume the <guid>
is a link. So, we need to either set "isPermaLink" to false, or change the guids (which could cause a one-time annoyance of the RSS items showing up again as "new" if/when the guid changes)
When we fix this, we should try to preserve the original guids for existing news items, so that feed readers don't consider all the items new again.
Originally by: delphidabbler
This bug also causes probs in FeedBurner which (correctly) uses the GUID element as a link.
The RSS spec confirms the info you have from Thunderbird help. See http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html#ltguidgtSubelementOfLtitemgt