Originally created by: jcummings
For any ticket tracker admins are able to create bits of markdown help text to put on a 'new ticket' and general 'list pages'. It would be beneficial to also be able to input some text that appears on the ticket page itself either at the top (as with the other help text), or more usefully just before the comment box.
Example use case: On one of my projects https://sourceforge.net/p/tei we accept bugs/feature requests for an international XML markup standard (http://www.tei-c.org/). The comments added quite often contain XML markup and so it would be good to remind those posting comments that they can escape these by putting say 5 tildes before and after the code block. I can do this on the general pages listing the tickets and the page when they are creating a new ticket, but not on an actual ticket page where they might comment and benefit from this help text.
Many thanks,
Originally by: jcummings
Any thoughts on this?