Originally created by: n_oostendorp
Timestamps in GIT are funky. They seem to vary from user to user. They should be listed in GMT and accurate to the client machine. Investigate and fix.
Example (from https://groups.google.com/a/geek.net/group/allura/browse_thread/thread/e974177a75e40d60/ccd5703623e1f03d?lnk=gst&q=git):
On the ForgeGit page (http://sourceforge.net/p/mojunk/git/):
1. The time offsets for my commits are wrong. The show up being
older than they really are and are backwards. My first commit says
it's 6 hours old and my latest commit says 7 hours. The svn page,
however, does show correct times. I verified that the git log from a
cloned copy of the remote repo shows correct date times.
Originally by: n_oostendorp
status: open --> in-progress
assigned_to: Rick Copeland
Just checking to see if I get an email
description has changed
description has changed