Originally created by: willpittenger
My wiki has pages with names like "keywords-*
" where the "*
" is a keyword for my project. So I might have "keywords-command
" and "keywords-private
". This provides related pages some organization. But that isn't what I want to show the user in the visual title for the page or in the Related list at the bottom of other Wiki pages. In the case of the two pages I just mentioned, I'd rather have "**command** (keyword)
" and "**private** (keyword)
" where the Markdown syntax is interpreted so the text is bold.
Originally by: willpittenger
Note: I'm not talking about links to the page. I know how to create links to pages that have different text. This is the title shown when the page is rendered and the title used by Allura in generating the list of Related links at the bottom of pages.