Userstats should have an option to disable tracking, for forges that don't want to track or are have users with enough activity that the current userstats logic doesn't scale well.
Example, one record that is about 5MB large, mostly contained in ".lastmonth.messages" but other parts of the data structure can also be very large.
forge:SECONDARY> Object.bsonsize(db.userstats.findOne({user_id: db.user.findOne({username:'brondsem'})._id })) 5018300 forge:SECONDARY> Object.bsonsize(db.userstats.findOne({user_id: db.user.findOne({username:'brondsem'})._id }).lastmonth.messages) 5005740 forge:SECONDARY> db.userstats.findOne({user_id: db.user.findOne({username:'brondsem'})._id }).lastmonth.messages.length 52178
Can already be done just by a config option to disable the stats listener. Add this to your .ini file: