The login form drops the 'return_to' param if you enter an invalid password and the form is shown again.
Originally by: algorithms
status: open --> in-progress
assigned_to: Wayne Witzel ❸
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Originally by: algorithms
status: in-progress --> code-review
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Originally by: algorithms
To QA. Visit a page that requires a login (/p/allura/admin/), do not enter a good username/password. After you are redirected and the Invalid message appears, enter a known good username and password combination. You should be properly redirected to the return_to URL.
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Originally by: algorithms
Size: --> 1
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Originally by: algorithms
Originally by: algorithms
Originally by: algorithms
To QA. Visit a page that requires a login (/p/allura/admin/), do not enter a good username/password. After you are redirected and the Invalid message appears, enter a known good username and password combination. You should be properly redirected to the return_to URL.
Originally by: algorithms