Trove category shortnames are not always unique. E.g. there is an "education" under "Topic" and also one under "Audience :: by Industry or Sector". So clicking on one to edit (and also submitting forms to add/edit I think) will pick one arbitrarily. We should use a unique identifier such as the "trove_cat_id" field.
This also occurs at /auth/user_info/skills/ urls.
And another duplicate example is 'python' (programming language, and a license)
Fix in branch
To test, go to /categories URL and make sure going to one of the duplicated names keeps you in the correct distinct part of the hierarchy. Make sure you can still add and remove categories at any level. Also follow the link in the page to go over to your skills, and make sure you can add at any level there too (the skills page UI is confusing, fixing that is a job for another day)