Originally created by: n_oostendorp
For long term maintainability, we should have a definitive, usable document describing how to instantiate a new allura instance, and prepare a system for a new install.
This should cover
- installation of software platform and 3rd party libraries
- installation and maintaining all services (Mongo, SOLR, AMQP)
- creation of default data stores in mongo and SOLR
- platform specific details should be included for Ubuntu, CENTOS, and Mac OS X
So after my initial installation, with all it's trials and tribulations, I've decided that while the original install instructions do work, they're not targeted to any particular environment.
I'm going to re-write the doc targeted at Ubuntu 10.10 as the base contributor development platform, and if someone is inclined, they can update the Mac install document.
remove the echo sitepackages line and alter the virtualenv creation, then retest.