I have installed allura successfully and it shows default plugins in web interface... i have installed some additional allura plugins.. I followed below steps:
Ran rebuild and got below list
setting up ForgeActivity dependencies
setting up ForgeBlog dependencies
setting up ForgeChat dependencies
setting up ForgeDiscussion dependencies
setting up ForgeGit dependencies
setting up ForgeGoogleCodeWikiImporter dependencies
setting up ForgeHg dependencies
setting up ForgeImporters dependencies
setting up ForgeLink dependencies
setting up ForgeMediawikiImporter dependencies
setting up ForgePastebin dependencies
setting up ForgeShortUrl dependencies
setting up ForgeTracker dependencies
setting up ForgeTracWikiImporter dependencies
setting up ForgeUserStats dependencies
setting up ForgeWiki dependencies
nohup paster taskd development.ini > /var/log/allura/taskd.log 2>&1 &
Now i dont see my installed plugin in web interface.. Is there anything im missing?
Here is screenshot:
Hi Mohiddin,
What plugin are you trying to use? The importers will show up under the Admin page, on the Import page. For other plugins like the Pastebin app, some of those have a beta status, so you can either change that in the source (
comment outstatus='beta'
) or run the set-tool-access command to grant beta access to specific projects.-Dave
Hi Dave,
im trying to enable all plugin. I found import option in admin page and when i clicked Import option it giving me error. check below attached url
Ah. We removed the core google importer support since it no longer works (since Google Code moved to their archive format). The GoogleCodeWikiImporter plugin is still trying to use it though. You'll have to remove the GoogleCodeWikiImporter (e.g.
pip uninstall GoogleCodeWikiImporter
).I will update the GoogleCodeWikiImporter pages so people know not to use it.