With [#8278] previous_login_details
started getting stored and backfilled after successful logins. With [#8279] to check for strong enough passwords during login, it relies on checking previous_login_details
to know what kind of password reset to do, but previous_login_details
might not be populated yet. So we should have a script to backfil that field for everyone so we can rely on it.
I think, I didn't get it, yet. Will I need to run this script at the next
Allura upgrade?
Yes, although its only really necessary if you want to enable the
setting. That new setting checks partial password hashes against https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords and forces affected users to change their password.(And the "NEEDS SCRIPT" in the ticket title will help us remember to include specific instructions when we make a release changelog).
paste script path/to/your.ini allura/scripts/backfill_previous_login_details.py
Or run with task managerallura.scripts.backfill_previous_login_details.BackfillPreviousLoginDetails