If you look at https://sourceforge.net/p/jedit/_list/git you see that there are quite some Git repositories added.
As far as I can see, the old page where you could reorder all tools was removed and replaced by the in-place drag'n'drop reorder that you can do after clicking the lock button in the toolbar.
But unfortunately this does not allow to reorder the tools that hide behind the "More..." button. You can actually try to move the "More..." button which is a bug in itself imho, but it will jump automatically back to the bottom. But I see no way to reorder the other tools.
Here's a workaround that I think will work. After you "unlock" the toolbar, there is a "Grouping Threshold" number you can change to a high number like 99. Then the menu items won't be grouped and will all be listed and you can reorder them. Then set the Grouping Threshold back to 1.
Still we should make the dropdown possible to reorder somehow though.