Git Merge Request #265: [#8215] Personal Dashboard - Create Merge Requests Section (merged)



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Deshani wants to merge 3 commits from /u/deshani/allura-personal-dashboard/ to master, 2018-07-06

Commit Date  
[047fa2] (merge_requests_section) by deshanigtk deshanigtk

[#8215] Personal Dashboard - Sort based on 'mod_date' descending order

2018-07-06 16:26:15 Tree
[76787d] by deshanigtk deshanigtk

[#8215] Personal Dashboard - Fix the link of merge request, add 'creator_id' to index list and sort search results according to 'mod_date'

2018-07-06 05:17:32 Tree
[5bf4e7] by deshanigtk deshanigtk

[#8215] Personal Dashboard - Create Merge Requests Section

2018-07-04 18:43:38 Tree


  • Deshani

    Deshani - 2018-07-04
    • Source branch: master --> merge_requests_section
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-07-05


    Looks like a good start. A few things to change are:

    • the links don't go to the right place. Instead of linking to {{ req.request_number }}/ it needs to be {{ req.url() }} to get a full url that works from the dashboard page
    • should have a blank line before def my_merge_requests
    • if querying by creator_id there should be a mongo index for that field so that its not slow on large databases. You can add it to the MergeRequest.__mongometa__.indexes list.
      • a different option would be to search solr instead of querying mongo. I think this could be done a lot simpler than the ticket solr search works. But doing the mongo query and just adding the index for it is fine.
    • IMO, sorting by mod_date is probably more useful than by request_number (If you have merge requests on multiple repos, the numbers will be varied)


    • Deshani

      Deshani - 2018-07-06

      Hi Dave,

      Thanks for reviewing. I've updated the merge request with the required changes.


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-07-06


    The sorting is showing the oldest merge requests first, not the newest.

    • Deshani

      Deshani - 2018-07-06


      I've updated the merge request

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2018-07-06
    • Status: open --> merged

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