Git Merge Request #350: Snippets for the new Files App contribution (merged)



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Sanskriti Mohapatra wants to merge 1 commit from /u/sanskriti123/allura/ to master, 2021-07-01

Commit Date  
[ef34f1] (HEADmaster) by Sanskriti Mohapatra Sanskriti Mohapatra

[#8368] Snippets for the new Files App contribution

2020-11-19 14:25:54 Tree


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2020-11-21

    Thanks for the contribution. It is a big one, and I'm somewhat busy currently, so might be a little while before we can get back to you with feedback.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2021-02-19

    Sorry for the big delay in reviewing this. Here's my feedback below. What do you think? Are you still interested/able in making some more updates to this? I can help some (especially python 3) but maybe you could make another set of updates first to do what you can with this feedback? Thanks for beginning this contribution. It's a big chunk of code, and a useful feature for sure.

    • nice work adding the license header to the new files. that is important. However, can you make it the very top of the file. ForgeFiles/forgefiles/ for example has other comments above it.
    • for jinja_master/nav_menu.html
      • should have some sort of conditional around it, in case the FilesApp is not installed and active. I see jinja_master/master.html has some JS code to hide the button. It'd be better to do it here server-side instead. Something like {% set files_appconfig = c.project.app_config_by_tool_type('files') %} and {% if files_appconfig %} ...
      • and then instead of /p/{{c.project.shortname}}/files/ having hardcoded p and files parts, you can do {{ files_appconfig.url() }}
      • you shouldn't need to pass ?app_url= in the link. def download_file can determine its own app_url value with
    • there should be some permission checks on all the create/edit/delete/etc endpoints (all the ones with @require_post. Otherwise anyone can make changes if they constructed the right requests! Should link_file have @require_post too?
    • for security also, I think all the Upload, UploadFolder and UploadFiles queries/updates/deletes should have added to their query (it could replace project_id if that's already in the query). This field is automatically present via inheriting from Artifact. And querying with it will enforce that the ids being queried/updated/deleted are part of the current app. So nobody can mess around with URLs and try to delete a file id that belongs to some other project.
    • in download_file the line M.Mailbox.subscribe(type='direct') seems out of place, is that intended? And instead of setting all response.header values, maybe the serve_file() helper in Allura could be used and simplify things?
    • Upload, UploadFolder and UploadFiles should have some indexes specified for the most common fields they are queried on. Like
    • Over the past year or so, we've gotten Allura's master branch compatible with Python 3 and runs on py3 by default. So this package needs to work with python 3 too. I've done a lot of that conversion and know what needs to happen, but it could also be good if you are able to get a Python 3 development environment to help with testing that out.

    And some code quality suggestions that would be nice, but not necessary:

    • M.main_orm_session.flush() can be removed from most or all places. At the end of a web request, there is middleware that flushes everything. So you only need to explicitly flush if there's code immediately afterwards that expects it to be saved. Or sometimes within tests.
    • in publish_folder the email sending might be nice refactored as a separate function. And maybe don't even need to loop over user_ids? It seems there should be some core Mailbox or Notification code to handle that, but I don't remember offhand.
    • instead of def file_size you could use h.do_filesizeformat
    • instead of file.uploaded_by() I think you can do since it's an AlluraUser field.
    • is_embedded() and metadata_for() don't seem to be used and could be removed?

    And maybe a future separate enhancement - it could be nice for logged-out visitors to browse the folders.

  • Hello
    The above review points have been taken care. The code has been committed to ticket #8368.
    As suggested by you, python3 changes and other review points have been committed separately.

    Regarding M.Mailbox.subscribe(type='direct'), this feature is for the non-admin users. If an user downloads a file, he is automatically subscribed to the Files plugin of that project. This is the reason why we have added it in download_file .

    Please go through the code changes and share your reviews.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2021-07-01
    • Status: open --> merged

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