Whenever I try to edit the columns to view in /tickets/ using the blue 'hammer and wrench' button and click 'Save' SourgeForge throws a HTTP 500 error.
Browser: Chrome 15.0.874.120
Trying again: doesn't work. Ctrl+F5 doesn't help either. Nor does FF.
It basically happens when clicking Save. No other actions like editing something required.
Can't tell much more. A '500' error is probably the most generic message of them all, even compared to other HTTP ones. ;)
Happened to me testing on my test projects as well.
QA: On Tracker index page, click the 'Select Columns' icon, deselect some columns, click Save, and make sure the grid updates correctly. Do the same thing on a Tracker search results page and make sure you don't get a Solr sort error.
When you close this ticket, also close [#3399].
#3399Opened [#3475] for a similiar issue, closing this one.
Tickets: #3475