Anonymous - 2012-06-28

Originally by: jnewsome

Potential solutions discussed on irc:

Making repo files artifacts

<brondsem> right the [foo] syntax is special "artifact" linking that we've built into Allura.  each wiki page is an artifact so it is linkable.  Files in a repo aren't artifacts though, so you'll have to use the regular markdown link syntax
<jnewsome> So I guess my request would be: could files in  repos be artifacts?
<jnewsome> That'd also be nice for linking from the wiki to specific files in the repo
<brondsem> i think making every file be an artifact would be pretty extensive.

Extending artifact linking

<brondsem> one idea would be to extend our artifact linking so not everything has to be an artifact
<brondsem> specifically, [tool:artifact] is a more verbose version of our artifact linking syntax, and we might be able to make [git:some/file/path] work without some/file/path being an artifact, but some sort of lookup function that the git tool provides
<jnewsome> that'd be nice for linking from the wiki to files in the repo
<jnewsome> but it doesn't address the use-case of having a markdown file in the repo that looks like sane plaintext and links to other files next to it in the repo

## Supporting relative links in URLs

<brondsem> another option is the <url> syntax which seems to only accept fully qualified urls
<brondsem> a relative path would be handy there