I've run into this case a few times already where I'll start to write a comment on a ticket, then after I'm done, I realize I want to edit the ticket fields as well, so I click the edit icon, only to find the reply I had typed out is now gone. Doesn't affect me personally too much, because Lazarus, but I can see this becoming very frustrating for users.
So, in short, I think if you have text in the reply box before you click the edit button on a ticket, that text should be transferred to the new reply box.
Originally by: miesfeld
We just switched to Allura and I have run into several different scenarios where I lost all the text I had written. This has been as a committer when I was trying to update tickets opened up by our users. And, as a SourceForge user trying to open up supprt tickets. Just voting that this is very frustrating for a user of the ticketing system.
Last edit: Anonymous 2018-03-28
Created #179: [#4530] maintaining previous comment text when editing ticket fields (1cp)
#4530Closed #179. Branch 42cc_4530.