The pagination links have shifted. One example: I think I've seen this on multiple tools, including some where the pagination is at the top and bottom too.
--- old+++ new@@ -1 +1 @@-The pagination links have shifted. One example: I think I've seen this on multiple tools, including some where the pagination is at the top and bottom too.+The pagination links have shifted. One example: I think I've seen this on multiple tools, including some where the pagination is at the top and bottom too.
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We found out that the problem is caused by new version of EasyWidgets. When it compresses several widget's resources into one file, it separates them by semicolon. That CSS syntax seems to be invalid, so all styles that follow a semicolon are lost.
Created #189: [#5048] pagination links moved (1cp)
#5048We found out that the problem is caused by new version of
. When it compresses several widget's resources into one file, it separates them by semicolon. That CSS syntax seems to be invalid, so all styles that follow a semicolon are lost.E.g. for link like this:
we have output like that:
(Notice the semicolon after closing brace)
Last version of
that doesn't have this bug isEasyWidgets==0.2dev-20110726
We're suggesting a possible fix for new
:Closed #189.
Fixed at