after replying to a forum post on the Allura platform
https://sourceforge.net/p/freefilesync/discussion/847543/thread/da516d2f/I am getting multiple "my email address has changed" and "out-of-office" emails from a user like:
I am currently out of the office returning 22/10/2012
If your email is important please forward to: xxx@xxx.com
All other emails will be delt with upon my return.Your message has not been forwarded.
This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by xxx.
What is going on? How can I get rid of this? I really have no desire for even more pointless emails filling my inbox.
We should look into:
1) adding headers to our notification emails to prevent (well-behaved) auto-responders from replying
2) check headers that auto-responders add, and not post to tickets/discussions/etc. If there are popular autoresponse systems that don't set a relevant header, and body text needs to be analyzed, we can consider that for a second iteration on this.
Will require some research on what standards exist and how popular systems (e.g. gmail, exchange, etc) handle autoresponses.
Created #375: [#5182] prevent auto-responses to allura notifications (4cp)
#5182Closed #375.
Implemented inbound email filtering based on common headers.
Tested like so:
Normal email, goes through:
Auto-responder email, blocked: