Originally created by: tfry
Sometimes it is useful to link to a (browsable view of a) subdirectory of the SVN repo. For instance, for linking to the latest state of the "debian" subdirectory of a projects SVN repo. Or for linking to the latest revision of a specific file in the repo. This appears to be impossible ATM: https://sourceforge.net/p/*PROJECTNAME*/code/commit_browser allows quick access to the "HEAD" of the repo, but only for the root directory. https://sourceforge.net/p/*PROJECTNAME*/code/*REVISION*/tree/*URI* allows to access a subdirectory of the repo, but only for a specific revision.
Suggestion: https://sourceforge.net/p/*PROJECTNAME*/code/*REVISION*/tree/*URI* should allow the string "HEAD" in place of REVISION, and interpret this as a dynamic link to the lastest / HEAD revision.
It actually supports exactly what you suggest. Example: https://sourceforge.net/p/konfidi/code/HEAD/tree/
You can vote up [#5120] which is ticket to expose this functionality better.