I have a private ticket system I'm keeping notes in under my /u/earnie account page. I have a comment I'm updating to keep my place in edit/review of a file. I need to post the change to the comment twice. The link to the comment is https://sourceforge.net/u/earnie/tickets/3/#98f0 but you'll need to override the permissions to view it.
I was thinking maybe it was a caching issue but I tried waiting a few minutes to before posting again refreshing the page to see if there was a difference and there was not. I edited the comment with a clipboard copy of the change and it did change it immediately at that point.
This issue has been occurring / noticed for about 2 weeks.
I was not able to reproduce this, but perhaps there's something else you guys can check for this?
Originally by: earnie
In case it is browser related, the browser I use is Chrome.
Version 26.0.1410.43 m
I've seen this when I've had a page open for a long time before I hit save. I think the antispam prevention has a timestamp which times out, but you don't have any indication of that.
Originally by: earnie
The length of time I have the edit open is usually seconds. It is happening on every occurrence of this particular comment. I have edited comments with no trouble but for some reason this one comment requires a double hit of the hammer. Perhaps a 1 off issue based on the number of comments or perhaps just the last comment.
Originally by: earnie
I've determined that the length of time I have the ticket displayed in the browser affects the condition. If the length of time the ticket is displayed in the browser is short the edit happens with the first occurrence. If the length of time the ticket is displayed in the browser is long the edit does not occur but that edit is enough to refresh the ticket so the second occurrence of the edit takes.
Duplicate of [#2643] so see that ticket for future reference.
Tickets: #2643