#6057 Adding an external link should be one step, not two

Heith Seewald
Rich Bowen

The process of adding a link (described at http://sourceforge.net/blog/linking-to-resources-hosted-elsewhere/) is unintuitive. I have to add the tool, with a label and mount point, and then I have to scroll down, click "Options" on the tool, and set the link address. This is unintuitive, particularly given that the first dialog says "link" in the Mount Point entry field, implying that I should put the link (URL) there.

Can we make this one step instead of two?


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2013-04-05
    • labels: --> ux
    • milestone: limbo --> forge-backlog
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2013-09-17

    We also need to validate the URL. If it doesn't have http:// on it, then it becomes a relative redirect and goes into an infinite redirect loop.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2015-06-01
    • labels: ux --> ux, sf-current, sf-4
  • Igor Bondarenko - 2015-06-02
    • Owner: Anonymous --> Igor Bondarenko
    • Labels: ux, sf-current, sf-4 --> sf-4, 42cc, ux, sf-current
    • Status: open --> in-progress
  • Igor Bondarenko - 2015-06-05
    • status: in-progress --> review
  • Igor Bondarenko - 2015-06-05

    Closed #788 ib/6057

    Ok, now every tool can expose some of own options to installation dialog via Application.config_on_install

    I've also added ability to specify validator in ConfigOption and implemented validation for both "install" and "config" paths based on that.

    There are a lot of custom validation for other tools in subclasses of default app admin controller, I didn't touch them, since it's out of scope of this ticket.

    There's some room for improvement here. E.g. implementing validation via ajax and displaying errors next to field. This should be pretty straightforward for "config" path, "install" will require a bit of refactoring, I guess. Perhaps we can create a ticket for that.

  • Heith Seewald - 2015-06-05
    • Reviewer: Heith Seewald
  • Heith Seewald - 2015-06-05

    Looking great Igor!

    What do you think about having the ability to pass 'help text' and maybe a 'verbose name' to give more context about the config option?

    For example, I tried adding an install option for disabling one-click urls. Everything worked great, but the name of the option showed up as disable_merge.

    Another example would be the new Url option in the External Link tool could be less confusing if it said "External Url" -- or something like that.

    Also, and this isn't directly related to this ticket, but the existing help text for the External Link creation options is referring to mount points, which doesn't match up with the existing fields. Maybe we can change that or get rid of it all together?

    • Dave Brondsema

      Dave Brondsema - 2015-06-05

      And is it possible to make the URL field be type=url? That would help without requiring any validation setup on our part.

  • Heith Seewald - 2015-06-05
    • status: review --> in-progress
  • Igor Bondarenko - 2015-06-09
    • status: in-progress --> review
  • Igor Bondarenko - 2015-06-09

    Closed #792. Updated ib/6057

    • ConfigOption can specify extra_attrs dict, which will be added to html input attrs and url option uses it to specify type=url
    • Added help_text option and code to render it in templates. We already have "label" option, which is used as a verbose name. I've specified it for external url.
    • Removed text referring to mount points. I think with our "preview" functionality we don't really need it and removing it makes UI somewhat cleaner.
  • Heith Seewald - 2015-06-09
    • status: review --> closed
  • Heith Seewald - 2015-06-09

    Very nice Igor -- it looks great!

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2015-06-15
    • labels: sf-4, 42cc, ux, sf-current --> sf-4, 42cc, ux
  • Igor Bondarenko - 2015-06-18
    • Milestone: unreleased --> asf_release_1.3.0

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