#6159 Change default ticket permissions to allow Authenticated CREATE [ss3779]

Cory Johns
Chris Tsai


It seems that by default, only developers and admins are permitted to create tickets. In my view this is too restrictive, and counter-intuitive. Authenticated users should be allowed to create tickets on a project by default, because in most cases the main source of tickets will be end users, not developers. I discovered this situation by accident, and it was somewhat embarrassing: I repeated asked a user to use the ticketing system instead of sending me private emails, and made a point of telling him how easy it was, only to get an email saying that he couldn't create a ticket. I suspect many users have encountered this same situation and quietly gave up, resulting in many lost opportunities.


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2013-04-26
    • status: in-progress --> code-review
  • Cory Johns - 2013-05-06
    • QA: Cory Johns
  • Cory Johns - 2013-05-06
    • status: code-review --> closed
    • Milestone: limbo --> forge-may-17

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