It'd be useful to have some high-level docs for developers that are getting started with Allura. And update/overhaul our current developer-oriented doc pages. I think we should cover things like: how the code is organized, what technology is used (paster, TG, EW, jinja, etc), how to log & debug, how tests work, etc.
Here's a few paragraphs that I have used in private conversations to help explain how to get started in Allura:
has very old example code withindef setUp
Should we update that now too?I think we should highlight the 'bitesize' ticket label on the mailing list, so other devs know about it and start using it. Perhaps link to it from the wiki too. At the very least on the wiki should gain a link to this new doc once its published.
Forking on doesn't work currently since we're not running
on that server. I don't know what we should suggest at this point. But probably not something that doesn't work :(3. The SF repo is currently hidden to non-admins. I did that a few weeks ago, to reduce confusion/duplication. We could use it again though. Setting up git on the apache server would be better I think, but would take some work. And probably some customization so that the /p/allura repo path and checkout command can be different from forks in /u/*
Perhaps just omit that section from the docs for now? We don't have very frequent new contributors so it may be fine for a while. Folks can come and ask if/when they get to that point